At Minus Five Preschool all children are supported in developing their potential at their own pace.  Our Keyperson system enables us to offer a specially tailored curriculum which takes into account the child’s individual needs as laid down by the Early Years Foundation Stage.  These are grouped into the three prime areas and four specific areas:

Prime Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: which focuses on children learning how to work, play and co-operate with others and function in a group beyond the family.

Communication and Language: which focuses on children’s developing competencies in listening, understanding and speaking.

Physical Development: which focuses on children’s developing physical control, mobility, and self-care skills.

Specific Areas

Literacy: Which focuses on reading and writing skills.

Mathematics: which covers aspects of mathematical understanding and provides the foundation for numeracy.

Understanding of the World: which focuses on children’s developing knowledge and understanding of their environment, other people and features of the natural and made world.  This also includes history, geography, IT and science.

Expressive arts and design focuses on the development of children’s imagination and their ability to communicate and to express ideas and feelings in creative ways.